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Finally !!

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NoMercy | 16:15 Thu 24th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I've been in the kitchen all day and now I'm finally able to sit down !!

So... d'ya reckon it's too early to pull a cork?


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I've beaten you by about 2 hours........then the daughter showed up and I hid it.....
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I'd better behave tonight... the bird has got to be in the oven for 10:30am...
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Does Bouncer have a stocking?

Alfie's got a box of muesli bones, some gold doggie chocolate coins and a squeaky rubber ball.
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I've just started in the kitchen. Carols from Kings on the radio, bottle of plonk on the go - get one open lady!
I've got Casper a huge bone.....but I'm waiting for him to go out so's I can wrap it...
Glug glug glug ..... get sum down ya xxx
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craft's Builder has a *** as well....wonder if she'll wrap that !!
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No it was Bone* !!
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Well if you are then I will! xx Enjoy NoM x
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I'm about to open it now... lol

Sorry for not sticking to the script, Kurt. :-)
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you said it skirt! ;)
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You may still mock about my bat encounter... I nearly died of fright !

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Finally !!

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