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14 famous faces in the ice skating ad

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dothawkes31 | 23:31 Sat 26th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
well, I recognised the doc from this morning, that's it, who the feckkk are the others????? (I thought it was a John Lewis ad!!!)


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Is there a bloke from boyzone in there somewhere?!
I agree Dot, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
when does it go out? I got tickets for Jan 8th (next Friday). it's not far from where I live.
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couldn't say rinkins, I know the Boyzone lads faces I thought, maybe there was one, they all looked quite dull and grey and insipid (that's why I thought it was a John Lewis ad!)
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I think you should go and watch them sara, if they're unemployed now you need to make sure they've signed off before they start the show. : )
lol Dot, you make a fair point ;o)

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14 famous faces in the ice skating ad

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