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caslass | 23:08 Sat 26th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
You can be in a crowd, surrouded by people, but you are still alone. Is this only me, or do other people feel this way.


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I suppose it depends on the people, normally if I am nervous in a big group of people, instead of hiding in a corner which would be a sensible thing, I start going around gibbering at people in a demented manner, I will literally talk, laugh, snort (when laughing) and sweat profusely until I get removed.

im the same when I know people except I dont sweat...
23:21 Sat 26th Dec 2009
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Zacs... Caslass lost her only child.
You can be alone, 1000 miles from anyone, but you know that you are alone because no-one is within a 1000 miles of you, yet you find yourself living in an urban area with 10s of thousands of people living witrhin the surrounding few miles and you might as well be invisible and mute because no-one takes the least bit of notice of you.

I like to think it's normal.

It's a lot of people, but they don't know you
yes, you're really not the only one. sadly, some people feel like this when they're with their family and "friends".

maybe the crowds have some potential new friends in there..
I suppose it depends on the people, normally if I am nervous in a big group of people, instead of hiding in a corner which would be a sensible thing, I start going around gibbering at people in a demented manner, I will literally talk, laugh, snort (when laughing) and sweat profusely until I get removed.

im the same when I know people except I dont sweat profusely
cazzz, you must come to my house some time :o)
I will bring some nubs to drop in your garden ;)

caslass, are you on Facebook? lots of us are..
I think you can be lonely in a crowd of people , especially if the people are not those you would normally choose to be with.
Perhaps you may have nothing in common with the surrounding group , or your loneliness is being caused by something they would not understand , or appreciate.

It is impossible to look into someones head and find rational reasons for things like loneliness, and because of this people tend to shy away from making contact.They feel out of their depth and a tad embarrassed at making the first step.

It isn't only you , it is so many other people as well.
The hard bit however is that a remedy to this problem can only come from you , when you are ready to feel a little less lonely.
People are afraid of being rebuffed , or their attempt at friendliness being rejected, so they don't make the first overture.
When you feel confident enough sometimes a simple greeting , a smile , a handshake or whatever may be the key ,But it has to come from you. Best of luck Brenda.
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No Mercy, I wish I knewyou. If you were my friend I would consider you a true asset to my life..I think ,of the people who have commented don't understand. I know at the moment you are in Spain, Have a good time, I have had many good holidays thee
Caslass to have suffered something so devasting it is no surprise you feel like this, it is quite common and the minds way of hiding from potential further harm. Also you lose the ability to trust, it will return but like all things takes time even though life will never be the same again.

Take good care of yourself

Mamya ♥

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