I can only help you part of the way. If you are talking about a bona fide members' club, no sale of alcohol takes place. The alcohol is all owned by the members and the amount they give for a drink goes to replenish the stock. All monies from the club, from all activities, must be used for the benefit of members. In these circumstances, there is no "licence" to sell alcohol as there is no sale. The club secretary, on behalf of the Committee, obtains a Club Premises Certificate which authorises "supply" of alcohol to club members and bona fide guests but this only operates while the club is a "qualifying club" under the Licensing Act 2003. You can check the Act online for what this means. There are also special provisions realting to gambling and gaming machines but you did not ask about this so I will not put the details down.
The club must have a set of rules under which it operates which must be deposited with the Council as Licensing Authority.