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zzxxee | 16:29 Sun 27th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
i hate this time always a lull between xmas and new year go on make me laugh !!!!


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hi redman.............surprisingly no......
-- answer removed --
I'll switch the oven on...........
That's what I like to hear !
Youth is on your
Hello zee pet
Mutha ♥
Hello Bobbi.....are you sober and able to stand on one leg ?
wish I were really pished..LOL & a hic-hic-hic
A lull ?

zxsexye ... this is a whole week of eating, drinking and socialising ...

... and no work.

Isn't it one of the best weeks of the year !?

(except for drinks parties where I can't help feeling like Bridget Jones)

At least you are fit enough to run off all the excess pounds JJ !!

I did have a run this morning, Redman ...

... and I'll be in the gym tomorrow morning.

I do try.

Hope you've had a jolly couple of days ... x
Quiet Xmas JJ, not even overindulged this Year, but there is still time as New Year to come yet. ! Oh
Make the most of it, I say !!

I am off to gym in morn for pil-farties . Very windy here. poor OH was wafting duvet around other night in an effort to disperse noxious fumes from me. Well when you have been together for 39 years one can afford to relax a little and in my defence I was fast asleep !!

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