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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:42 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
A bit frosty this morning. Which, I suppose, is better than the 4 to 6 inches of snow we are promised for
the entire month of January. We shall see.
Have a good day everyone.


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I'm glad I don't have views like that Sachs. Walking for just one minute from our bungalow, we can look out over the Severn Vale to the Forest of Dean and the Welsh mountains, with Gloucester laid out below us. look to the left and we can see the two Severn bridges, Berkely and on down the river and the Gloucester to Sharpness canal. Turn around and we can see Cam Paek and Long down and Frocester Hill. Drive for about ten minutes and we can look out over the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire. It really is a beautiful place to live. We are very lucky.
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Morning sara. xxx How are you today my little flower?
morning gorgeous ;o)

I've seen your photo, btw............

I'm good thanks but haven't mastered the art of having a lie-in. I'm tired, but good! how are you?
That's wonderful waterman! I'm sure you've earnt that!
Happy Christmas sara!
me too, can't lie in! Grrr!
hi Sachs, merry Christmas to you too.. nice to see you xx
hi sara -x
youre looking well
thank you beejay, and you're looking like you're in trouble ;o) x
ohoh sara- were the tests positive ?
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Sara I think that would have been weeal, yes? I'm fine by the way thank you. We are off down to the canal this afternoon, in the Heritage Centre. What are you up to?
Sachs, we are very happy with our situation. We've worked hard for it!
beejay, yes. congratulations.

waterboatman, it was indeed :o)
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How is she sara? Haven't heard from her for yonks.
on the whole she is good, but has caught a bug whilst visiting her family over Christmas so not great at the mo :o(
Really sara? :0(
I just emailed her with a pic of me in an inflaable santa suit, may be that will bring a smile to her face!
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Give her my love and tell her to look after herself! That goes forb you too my love. I have to go now. See you anon. xxxxx
thanks waterboatman and to you. have a lovely day xx

Sachs, she's stranded at her mum's and doesn't have internet access (except on her phone) but I'm sure she'll check in when she can x
Bye waterman, have to go myself too!
Well that pic wont fit on her phone lol!!! Got to go, see you all xxx
Good morning all. Hope everyone is well. It's overcast and a tad chilly here, but tomorrow is likely to be better. xx
Hey you out there in AB Towers
Gooooodddd Mornnnningggg, it's a cold one, but who cares, not I..LOL
Have a lovely day, keep warm and cosy (sorry ummm pet, hope that heating is mended now)
I think we should all have a group cuddle, arhhhhh!!!!

Bobbi ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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Good morning early birds!

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