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Banks teaching students about finance - I wonder where they got the idea from?

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10ClarionSt | 11:19 Sat 26th Dec 2009 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
In 1984, my wife wrote to Midland, Barclays, NatWest and the Halifax suggesting that they approach local schools with the intention of teaching children about managing money. She didn't get a reply from any of them. But, lo and behold, there is an ad on Tv at the moment from NatWest, full of self-congratulations about how they go into schools and teach children about managing money. I wonder where they got that idea from?


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Congrats to your wife. I'm afraid it's not the banks who started this. Teaching kids about 'financial capability' is part of the Personal, Social Health and Economic education syllabus. Your wife is right though, it's crucial that kids learn these skills
To be honest, there's really no connection between a letter written 25 years ago and what's happening now, even though it would be nice to think there was.

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Banks teaching students about finance - I wonder where they got the idea from?

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