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I am normally a mild tempered owld dear...

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Bobbisox | 13:52 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
But that bl00dy advert or Go Compare, when that nutter with the spiral moustache sings "Over There"
makes me want to hurl summat at me tele!
Is it just me or does it do this to you too?
I have been known to run from the kitchen to the lounge when I here it, grab the remote and press the mute button....I hate it !!!

Bobbi ♥


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and me lets twang his bloody tash and make him cry !!!!!
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yes zee at each end and pulll like
I prefer that one to the where they're overly impressed by the number of quotes they get "126, that's amazing!!"
I quite like the one where the bloke in the cafe says.............Naw he's only a tenner.....
Apparently he is often seen in the Metro Centre in Gateshead Bobbi....something to look forward to when you go there shopping next ! lol
and swing like kids at the park whilst going "weeeeeeeee" and laughing out loud saying go compare that you fat tw@t!!!!!!!!
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adverts used to be funny, but now it's all about Turning your gold into cash or Have you had an accident at work in the last ?????

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I would kick him right in his goolies if I saw him in the MC red...LOL
brilliant zee, luv it, you have made me LOL really !!!
i hate them to but i do find the one where the guy is under hypnosis reciting all the old ads funny
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the John Smith ones used to make me smile
I used to like the Boddingtons ones.........was it Carla from Corrie that used to be in them?
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I am normally a mild tempered owld dear...

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