Hi maxymax. That's OK I was working on the definition of draught, I thought Dram was a better fit. I'll have another think and see if I can come up with anything else x
Hi JMR27. Thanks for slug. I think that is what I shall put. Hi Mazie. Yes I agree that slug is much better,but thanks for your deliberations. H.N.Y. x
Hi Mazie. Hope I can be of help to you sometime in the future. Thanks for reciprocating my good wishes for 2010. Let's hope for good health,wealth & happiness!! Take care. xx
Sorry about this Mazie & JMR27 but when I came to put in slug,I realised that the clue was in the plural i.e. "A draught of alcoholic spirits" which was why I had originally thought of cocktail.Any further thoughts?