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john1066 | 23:27 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Christmas has been and gone...It didn't seem the same this year....A bit subdued I thought....Not so "Christmasy". Did anybody else have the same feeling? Can I blame it on the recession?


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I thought that - but it could have been because my husband was ill and spent the day asleep on the flipping sofa!
Myself wife and her sister all said the same thing Christmas night - and nothing since has changed my mind.

Not sure of the reason tho'.

Might be the recession, might have been the weather ---- just don't know why
Didn't seem much like Christmas to me either. I don't agree with all the manic food and present buying. Think if you have small children it is much better. As I get older Christmases get worse!!
I have got five little children and was super-duper organised this year so maybe the lack of last-minute, manic shopping was the thing that took the 'Christmassy' feeling away.
it was definately a muted affair where I live as well, a combination of recession, ailments and bad weather, there seemed to be no christmas cheer, more enforced stress, 3 of the neighbours didnt even bother sending cards to anyone
Christmas cards are such a waste of money!!
And all the time involved - especially after you have written the cards for the kids (can't have them being the odd ones out!)
I have not felt one bit festive. I bought a few presents and we had a special dinner with a friend, but I did no cards, decorations or Christmas tree. I just don't see the point, to be honest, especially when I'm not even a Christian.
Precisely - Christmas is for kids, party-goers and religious people!!
Think in general that there has been a lot of depressing things happening this year, perhaps more than usual.A lot of people are worried about their future , their homes, finances and the world in general, so maybe that could be a reason. But agree,it has been a bit subdued.Felt it was all a bit false this year.
I have know one to buy presents for. Exceptfor OH .We dont put up decorations , whats the point.

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