How long would it take from the frame of reference of the crew to get to a star system 40 light years away at a constant 1g accelleration. Does time dilation make colonisation a real possibility or not?
if by 1g acceleration you mean 9.8m/s² then I calculate it will take 8 years. But I also calculate it will by then have reached a speed of 2.7 billion metres per second, which is well in excess of the speed of light, and I'm not sure this can ever be possible.
The maths was done in my head so could be out but I'm sure someone on here can calculate it
we've done this to death below, are you not satisfied with the answers? 1G cannot be maintained, end of, C would have to be exceeded, the time dilation will not be aparrent to the crew at the time but when they return.
I was not talking about the crew returning. I was just wondering about the practical possibility of
colonising the nearby Earth type planets that look likely to be discovered soon.