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its pouring down with snow......

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stokemaveric | 15:00 Sat 02nd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
and im as snug as a bug in a rug with a glass of wine watching people slip and slide everywhere,its great when you dont have to go out isnt it?


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lol zacmaster,ive got a ticket for the f.a cup match stoke vs york city but bu**er that im staying in the warm and going to watch it on my pc lol.....
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No snow here in London!!
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prediction zacmaster stoke will win 3-0 london always misses the snow funnygirl lol
sunny down south, have just driven to Costco and back to stock up on steaks, had to wear sunglasses.
It's pouring down with sunshine here on the shores of Lake Ontario; BUT, its minus 28c. Should I go to the bar later on?
If we didn't have global-warming just imagine how much colder it would be:)
Couldn't give a rats - I'm off for a week.

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its pouring down with snow......

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