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Going out again soon...I'm a party

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Bobbisox | 20:22 Sat 02nd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
We set traps for mice..vermin, we do the same for rats...worse !
So why oh why can't this site stop trolls????
Over to you ED



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Still in here a lot of them wang, soul purpose being to 'report' and abuse...sad lives

Bobbi ♥
Have a good evening Joy. Another night in front of the telly for me. x
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Hi Jan would have been for me too pet, only Bill wants to see a local band called The Paul Roger Experience....
and he never asks for anything, I thought,,,Why not?

Bobbi ♥
Bless him. A bit like my hubby then. Wonder how he puts up with me sometimes.
Question Author
It does seem a bit quiet at the moment on here Jan...the calm before the storm maybe, you will have to inform me if Nell Mangle gives out her "home truths"

I expect the trolls will be about later. Very quiet tonight. I have been thinking of how they could stop the trolls and the only think I can think of is that when a new person registers the authorisation is actually sent to them in the post instead of email. You can keep getting new email addresses but you can't keep moving house!
Question Author
ingenious Jan..LOL
will catchya later pet
Bobbi ♥
can you tell me who the trolls are please

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Going out again soon...I'm a party

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