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We're a nation that believes in free speech. Should radical Islamists be allowed to march...

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Sandy-Wroe | 16:12 Sat 02nd Jan 2010 | News
7 Answers
...through the streets of Wootton Bassett?
It's in the Mail, so it must be a true report.


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no they are just trying to provoke a backlash against them,they know if they march british extremeist groups will converge on the area and turn it into a mass riot,they are just targetting wooton bassett because of its significance with our fallen heroes....keep the muslims out of the area....
Hi, just posted an answer to this in the thread below as they pose similiar issues.
Lets have joined up thinking:

do you agree with what i said?
they should send the muslims that cause trouble for us in this country back not racist m just fed up to the back teeth with the extreme things they are doing at the moment and its getting worse, maybe they should adopt china policies and execute those who do wrong, the suicide bomber wannabes want to die any way so why not just kill them by execution, when they ahve been caught and proven guilty...rant over
yeah at least they wont be killing oads of other inocent people at the same time.
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We're a nation that believes in free speech. Should radical Islamists be allowed to march...

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