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man utd...0...leeds utd...1

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stokemaveric | 16:03 Sun 03rd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i bet the m6 and m1 are full of gloomy faces......


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First Major shock of FA Cup !
Why?....the M6 and M1, will be full of Leeds United supporters going home.

Correct me if I am wrong, but Leeds WON.
Cockney Mancs going home Squad !! lol
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you got it in 1 redman....squad the m6 and m1 run i 2 directions you
Yippee. wowee. hurrah !!!!!!
brilliant result..Up the Tykes..LOL
Now I just want the Hammers to beat Arsenal. ( I can live in hope)
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dont worry brenda if leeds draw stoke in the next round the fairytale will come to an
Go Brenda, we want the Toon to get thru...then we can have Leeds
Hope the Toon make it back to the Prem next Season Bobbi as your Fans deserve it !
If I'm totally honest red, I don't think they are good enough yet...and I am a Toon Army fan

Bobbi ©
Agree Bobbi , and am a Toon Army fan as well They dont seem to have the drivefor the Prem at the minute , although they are knackered a lot when it comes to really skillfull, players and the manager has the charisma of a soggy dishcloth.Live in hope tho. The Championship league will have toughened them up considerably.
I've supported Newcastle for some 55 years and agree that they will struggle next season if they are promoted. I'd love to be proved totally wrong.

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man utd...0...leeds utd...1

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