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Aperio | 19:29 Mon 04th Jan 2010 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Art master often seen in the Remove (8) ? ?E?C?E?T.
Is the answer Tea-Chest? If so why.
Many thanks Aperio


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I'm afraid I can't see where that comes from, kayakamina, although I'm sure you're right based on your past record
Hi factor 30

Not my most confident answer but -
A Tea Chest would be in a move.

A master teaches ....In years gone by Thou art a teacher - Thou Teachest.
Just to add. I'll be very happy to know the correct wordplay as I always like to learn.
nescient also fits. Can't see how it answers the clue but it is close to an anagram of 'SEEN IN' with a CT coming in from somewhere!
Question Author
A very devious clue. Spent 20 minutes trying to justify it.

I could not get The Owl of the Remove out of my head. Was it the name of a master at Greyfriars School (the only one I could remember was Quelch) or was it someting to do with a tuck box!

Many thanks Kayakamina & factor30
Explanation of why TEACHEST is the answer is given here:

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