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If the happiness express is passing by

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karma22 | 22:55 Tue 05th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I want to jump on!


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okey dokey. whats up
don't ask, you'll be here all night
we all need a bit of karma the place has gone crazy!!

Bobbi hope you get your aggro re hols sorted, ehat a pain

↑ what a pain
thanks mamya, poor Bill has been trying to be logical about it, he's just handed me a large glass of Rose, Bless
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sorry but not on my behalf mrs o, no need to
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Question Author
well i'm here for a while
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Question Author
I'm away karma, bye for now Bobbi♥
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everyone leaves as soon as I get here

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If the happiness express is passing by

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