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A good buy from ebay?

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mrs.chappie | 23:12 Tue 05th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I once bought a huge mirror for £4.99, it was the starting price and I was the only one who bid. When I went to pick it up, I found it belonged to a professional footballer. He had a beautiful house and his missus was very friendly. A very pleasant experience.

Anyone had a similar experience when buying from ebay?


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Oooooh Mrs C.Aren't you a lucky chappie!! Or should I say chappess!!
I've never bought anything from eBay!! I might do one day perhaps.....
I usually buy things from Amazon....
Question Author
Hiya Imo! Hope you are well. xxx
Excellent buy mrs. c.......I love grade recycling.
I'm very well,thanks for asking Mrs C.
Sorry but I will have to disappear soon.
I'll stay for a few more minutes though...
Good timing actually,I was hoping to catch you tonight just to say hi and wish you a belated Happy New Year!
It's snowing at the moment where we are....brrrrr!!
Might make another snowman with all this extra snow.
I got the week off work.....haha!!
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I love it too, craft. It's easy to get engrossed in it.

Nice to hear from you Imo. Feels like a long time. Hope your dear old mum's well, and of course, you too.
Hi mrs c, who was the footballer?
-- answer removed --
Yes, it does seem like a long time since we last had a chat to one another.My mum is not too bad either.
Although she is prone to migraine headaches bless her,and can be forgetful at times.
I love her to bits really,as she is one in a million to me.
I've got to leave you now I'm afraid,but I will be back soon.
Take care,and goodnight to all....
Byeeee!! xx
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Hi Elvis. I didn't know the fella 'cos I don't watch any footie. My hubby knew the chap's face but can't think of his name. He will have told us, but this is going back five years or so. I remember that he lived in a huge, gated place. We had to press a buzzer for somebody to come to let us in.

It is a lovely mirror and gets lots of compliments from folk who visit us. It was a bargain.

Nono, I do vaguely remember that virginity listing. You didn't put a bid in did ya? [:o)

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A good buy from ebay?

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