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dr. atkinson slimming patches

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blossomheart | 03:06 Tue 05th Apr 2005 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
hi all i recieved a leaflet in the mail today about this garanteed to lose up to 50kg in just 12 weeks, sounds to me like a scam, he even says if it doesn't work you get your money back. it is a singapore company i believe. i want to know if anyone has tried these patches and do they work.


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It MUST be a scam, because it's impossible. Mind you, the phrase 'up to...' is a bit of a cop-out, isn't it? Like those bargain rails that say 'up to 75% off' and when you look, there's one item with that reduction and everything else far, far less. So you could argue that losing 2kg  falls under the heading of 'up to 50kg'. However, despite that bit of pedantry, this is a scam and please don't waste your money.
Yep at best they are just dummy plasters at worst they contain some sort of drug that does gawd knows what. You cannot lose weight by patches. It's perhaps no coincidence that Atkinson is close to Atkins!

Spend your money on the new Paul McKenna book (I can make you thin) instead.  It is only a fiver and has worked with me :o)

so... you only get your money back if you gain weight? "up to" seems to be the key bit. for instance, i weigh around 55kg and so i doubt very much that i could lose much more than a couple of kg with these patches. it sounds an awful lot like a scam, especially since even the intention to lose weight does actually contribute to weight loss, so they're winning but you can't get your money back

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i know it sounds so much like a scam and as if this patch can be a mirical worker like they say. the panflet seen so convincing that it makes me want to try, ecpecially when they say if you dont loss the weight you want you will get your money back

As everyone else has said the phrase 'up to' is the key. How ever much or little you loose you are garanteed NOT to get your money back.

There are dozens of these companies about.. I've had some of these offers from companies in Singapore, France, Germany and Switzerland, and they are all the same sort of thing.

Before you decide read the following... I think it says it all!
Taken from this link that I found on Google

821 - 828 Dr. Atkinson Bodycological Research Centre

Complaint (misleading) from a UK consumer to the UK SRO, ASA, concerning a direct mailing from the Netherlands featuring slimming products, �The Atkinson Dead Sea Patches�. The mailing offered slimming patches, guaranteed to make the user lose 28 pounds in 4 weeks, and stay that way for the rest of his or her life, or their money back. The complainant considered the claims misleading and doubted their veracity. The ASA transferred the case to the Dutch SRO, SRC, according to the cross-border procedure. The SRC found the advertisement to contravene art. 7 (misleadingness) of the Dutch Advertising Code, and the advertiser was instructed not to use the advertisement again. Complaint upheld, case closed.
The people that run these scams would rather cut of a limb than refund your money. They may promise one but that is to convince you to try their patches. There is only one way to lose fat, use more energy than you consume, a very simple equation and yet the one which is most ignored when trying to lose fat. There are no short cuts, NONE, good luck
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thankyou so much to everyone i am not going to get it, i hope one day these people will reap what they have sowed.
Hello blossomheart, I found your question when I did a search on this very same subject!

i agree with you, the refund policy sounds great but I know enough to avoid anything originating in Singapore especially when the head company is in Spain!

Anyway, go to your local naturopath or chemist and see if they stock Bladderwrack (the fucus vesiculosis) that is used in these patches. It has some great properties as you will see in this link

Also visit for further information on slimming patches.


I currently have my stepmother using the patches.  She has lost weight in the last three days since starting and she had noticed it by her clothing.  I have also used another product from these people of which they did not work for me and I was refunded 100% money back.  I am in New Zealand.

I will try the patches - call it what you want but there is a product out there that will be right for you, you just have to find it.  But I notice all you people giving negative views on the product state "must be a scam"! which tends to suggest that you have not tried it.  Is there anyone out there that has tried it who should give there negative/positive opinion on the patches.  Cheers from down under.

blossomheart, email me with regards the diet patches and I'll give you the latest update. 

Cheers, Di

Aussie here, started patches 9 days ago - weighed 97kg, its been one week and i weigh 102kg. IM NOT IMPRESSED. i'm drinking the **** loads of water... and trying to eat well - but still with the odd junk food here or there... And it CLAIMS i can eat what i want... still i plan on going until week 4. i dont want to jump the gun - it might mean some, 'bodies' take a while to kick in.
Will post back. And my patches have been falling off me?
Do they work in better places? i've tried arms and legs.

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