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NoMercy | 10:45 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
What does today have in store for you?

Work, rest or play?

Well, it's a combination of all three for me. Working away in the kitchen, resting after dinner, and maybe tonight, I'll pop down to the trendy little winebar I discovered in the Centre of Gandia last week. :-)


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Work :-(
Then to Lil's for a post-new year catch-up. That means burnt fish fingers & copious amounts of vino. Lots of smutty talk, emotional talk (she has a terminally-ill father) and hopeful talk about what we hope 2010 will bring.
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Salla... there's nothing quite like like a girly night that incorporates food to insult the palate, tonnes of booze and plenty of meaningful and heartfelt conversation. Sorry to hear about your friend's father. xx
morning NM (and Salla). we're getting slowly snowed in.. all's good, lol!

I brought work home with me yesterday, just in case.. so am going nowhere.

cinnamon and raisin bagels just out of the oven :o)
much of
snowed in here, good job the freezer is full, can't see where the path begins and the grass starts, it's a Winter Wonderland..
Bobbs ♥
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Awww, I bet it's very picturesque. Sara... those bagels sound yummy. But I must save myself for the roast dinner. Nice that you get to stay home and work, though. Same for you, Bobbi. Keep warm and watch some telly with a nice pot of tea. :-))))
Work for me I'm afraid.

And looking around the office, looks like everybody else has decided to play!
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Well, if nobody's looking, funnygirl, you could just stay on cb and chat with the rest of us... ;-)
The wine bar sounds jolly, HB x
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Its lovely, JJ. They own a big club just down the road called Siddhartha. It's all done out in that Thai/Malaysian style, with enormous, heavy and very ornate furnishings, dark red upholstery and dark wooden flooring. The food is fusion style, and better than anything else, it's a shrine to all things Veuve Clicquot. :-)))

I hope the documentary last night helped convince you that You-Know-Who had nothing to do with it !

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JJ, I found the documentary less than informative regarding actual facts. It was more of an insight into her background and what has been going on in the background. However, footage of Knox and photos take of her in the hours and days following the murder, certainly haven't endeared me to her. When she is photographed kissing and canoodling with Sollecito and staring at the TV cameras... I swear I can see her smirking.
Just because you don't like her is no reason to lock her up.

But you will have gathered ...

The story that she was cleaning the house ... complete hoax, invented by the Police, who actually found them standing outside.

The knife with Amanda's DNA on it ... was NOT the murder weapon. It was the wrong size for the wounds. So the Police invented the ridiculous "there were 2 knives" theory ... a theory not supported b y one single scrap of evidence.
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The knife produced as evidence was not capable of making the smaller, less penetrating wound, but was not ruled out as the knife that inflicted the decisive wound. Also, just because they were found outside the property, does not mean to say that they were not caught having just mopped the floor and bleach and disinfected all the surfaces etc. in the property. For all we know, the whole house could have still been damp from cleaning - and it is stated that the police caught them cleaning the property. Also, you said that the story of her being in the supermarket was nothing more than a police fabrication, and that they didn't even have a statement of from the proprietor of the supermarket, yet I found a link reporting of his testimony in court. Also, you say that most of the details have been made up by the police, and they do not have a scrap of evidence to support their assertions, but there's also nothing to support Knox's claims of police brutality - something which you have taken to be gospel. Isn't that what everyone claims when they confess/change stories/retract their statements. Police brutality? Where have I heard that one before?

Look ... Known facts about Rudy Guede ...

He had previous form for breaking and entering

He had previous form for stealing a large knife from a nursery

He had a reputation for coming on to girls, and refusing to take “No” for an answer

His body fluids were all over Meredith ... not just traces of DNA ... body fluids ... everywhere

After the murder, Rudy Guede disappeared

The knife which killed Meredith also disappeared

Duuh !!
Hello, Sherlock !!!
Come ON, guys !!!!!

Clear cut case.

But that Prosecutor concocted some hair brained story in which this very tall, very pushy, house-breaking knife thief was actually controlled by a scared, 19 year old, American student, who was the "ring leader"

Purleeeeez !!

The fact is ...

If you start in your mind, with the notion that Amanda was Guilty, then you can twist the "evidence" to support your beliefs.

But if you do it properly, and start with the available evidence, and look to see what it shows ... it simply does not point to anyone other than the house breaking, woman-bullying, knife thief ... Rudy Guede ...

Who forced himself upon Meredith, assaulted her, and killed her.

The End
A reliable witness gave evidence that after hearing a "deathly scream" at the time of her execution "murder" she went onto her balcony and say 2people run out of the direction of the flat.

Who were they?
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JJ.... If the police had their guy, why would they need to spend thousands, nay hundreds of thousands of tax payer's money prosecuting another two people for the crime - one of them a home-grown Italian? Sollecito's DNA was found on Kerchers bra clasp. Meredith's DNA was found on the knife in Sollecitos's apartment. Cross contamination is one thing, but for the DNA to be transported right to the blade of a knife and the clasp of a bra? That's like getting a hole in one on every hole of the golf course ! And before you say there's not enough DNA to study.... that's only what the defence were saying, and they were going to say that anyway !!

Let me just stress one thing, I did not take a dislike to Knox and build my argument from her. My dislike of Knox is founded on the overwhelming evidence that she subjected a beautiful and promising young woman to a protracted and terrifying death.
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*from there*

With all due respect, JJ... I think it is you who took an instant fancy to Knox and have twisted everything to suit your claims that she is innocent.
Uh, yes ... Meredith’s bra fastener

A Police videotape (taken on 3 November 2007) showed Meredith's bra fastener, next to where her body was found. At that time, investigators decided it was not important evidence, and did not bag it up.

On 18 December when police returned to the crime scene, they decided that the bra fastener (previously seen as “unimportant”) was very important.

Only then was it subjected to DNA testing. This revealed “microscopic” traces (the words accepted by the Police report) of DNA belonging to Raffaele Sollecito.

This DNA test result is central to the prosecution's case.

But how reliable is this evidence? If you have ever been present in a room and touched something, you leave a DNA trace. Raffaele had been on the premises several times, and would have left his DNA all over the place. The bra fastener had been (literally) kicking around the premises for 6 weeks before it was tested. It’s no wonder Rafaele’s DNA had got on to it.

As for Amanda’s DNA ... of course it had got on to it ... she lived there!

In reality, all that it proves is that, while the bra fastener was kicking around for 6 weeks on the floor, it had become contaminated with DNA from everyone who had recently been in the premises.

2 investigators even admitted having handled it before dropping it into the bag. These 2 investigators admitted that they had also handled items belonging to Amanda. So, the investigators had contaminated the evidence before it got anywhere near the lab.

Conclusion ... the Bra fastener DNA evidence is unreliable and inconclusive ... the view held by the Police themselves, until they suddenly had to save the embarrassed face of a Prosecutor who had already been charged with Abuse Of Authority for trying to trump up evidence on other cases.
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Ok JJ...

You said that Guede assaulted and killed Kercher. The End.


How did Guede get into the property in the first place? Only Knox and Kercher had keys. The front door was not forced, it was intact. The window was broken after the murder took place, as the broken glass was found on top of strewn items. And what of the witness Sqad referred to, who saw 2 people running away from the property?

Why did Amanda Knox show no emotion after the murder? Cartwheels in the police station, pizza instead of attending the memorial service, buying sexy lingerie with her boyfriend in the days after the murder? Changing her story several times?

And how did the bra clasp get contaminated with Sollecito's DNA? Knox had cleaned the apartment to the point where only one of her finger prints was found in the whole property. Where did the cross contamination occur?

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