Are we actually now getting a proper season - ie winter or is this just another symptom of global warming. We normally get much milder weather over here than you do and it is still very bad, snowing, icy here. My husband said this morning that maybe now we will get a decent summer. ?????
I ws just talking to a friend about the last time it snowed so heavy! 1979 was the last time! I was wearing my midi skirt, wet look boots & listening to T.Rex!!! I want to go back in a time machine!
I would 'always' try to get in, I am in the same frame of mind as you. I was telephoned by my boss yesterday evening as was my husband to stay put as Uni is officially closed!
we now have nearly 15 inches of snow in the back garden in Slapshot Towers it's lovely and STILL snowing, can't see the fields at the back.
If it continues like this for another few weeks then yeh it's a "proper" winter but I'd still expect we'll see a spell of milder wet stuff as well. It's a odd one that's for sure, and don't think it means a hot balmy summer!!