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Can you believe people,lol

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Bobbisox | 16:22 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I can't say where we are for obvious reasons, suffice to say you all know I'm a Geordie..
my daughter who is a dental nurse walked to work this morning, leaving the car, so she rang me just now to ask about the times of the buses...
I asked if she had been busy and she said they had been "stowed" off, people ringing saying how they couldn't get into work with the snow but...were there any appointments..????
she couldn't understand what I found so funny..
you have to laugh..PMSL

Bobbi ♥


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it would be easier for me to get to my dentist than get to work.. not that I'd choose to go to the dentist!
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well yes I suppose there is that, good thinking

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Can you believe people,lol

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