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Did anyone watch Ross Kemp in Gaza...

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Bobbisox | 00:13 Thu 07th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Bloody 'ell that man wants a knighthood, first Afghanistan then Somalia now Gaza, has he a death


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v good - no k
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Gay,,,shurruppp, he's all man Twatski, the swagger, the masculinity of him....whoaaaaaa getting a Flamingo moment
He has two best selling books from the first two, he's probabaly putting the finishing touches to his new book now, ready for the publishers to re -write it in proper english like wot we speak.
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he's very good dot, I mean from humble beginnings like Albert Square???
what can I say

Bobbi ♥
I used to fancy him rotten, Bobbi.
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there is defo something about him NM, all man
I will need to calm down, going all flushed again..LOL
humble beginnings like the fruit and fibre advert bobbi!!
Jealous NoKnow?
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Don't you watch anything Twatski, he was Phils bruvver Grant in EE
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lol@cazzz, he's lovely, I could fancy him n p
He was Graham Lodsworth in Emmerdale in 1986...............he even had curly hair.
Question Author
Noooooooo jack, I never knew that...honestly !

Bobbi ♥

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Did anyone watch Ross Kemp in Gaza...

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