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barber | 15:13 Thu 21st Jul 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers


just this one to do now....

the mnemonic : Cary Grant eXpects Unanimous Votes In Movies Review Tonight,is a way of remembering the different categories of radiation in increasing wavelength.Which is represented by' Votes'?  i don't even know what mnemonic is?



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n. - mnemonics -- (a method or system for improving the memory)


Little jimmy's dead and gone
you'll never see him more
for what he thought was H2O
was H2SO4

Jimmy thought he was drinking water (H2O)
it was Sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
A bit like ..Richard Of York Goes Battling In Vain.
For the colours of the rainbow
Red,orange,yellow,green,blue ,indigo,violet.
Forgot to say, say this little rhyme out loud a few times and then over the next twenty years try to forget what the chemical symbol is for sulphuric acid.

Trust me you will never forget. In forty years I haven't.
Hi Barber,
The answer to your mnemonic is Visible.
The letters stand for,
Cosmic,Gamma X-ray,Ultraviolet, Visible light, Infrared Microwave and I can't remember what R & T are!
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thanks everyone for all your help i can have an early night tonight  cheers

The electromagnetic spectrum is the distribution of electromagnetic radiation  according to frequency or wavelength).

The R stands for radio and the T if I remember rightly is for telephony or telephone

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