Could you explain exactly what you mean do you mean queries are not being posted, not being answered or being answered by people other than the setter ?
I don't think that queries can be answered by anyone other than the setter. I mean that there are outstanding queries that have not yet been answered by the setter. Sorry if I have not made myself clear.
Well you are perfectly entitled to have that opinion of course and yes i'd prefer it to be setters that answered queries myself (for anyone who doesnt know I run the fundraising quizzes website) unfortunately not all setters use the internet and there are those who never reply to queries and of course a great many dont use my site which is why I always put setter says ... to answers that are known to be the setter that way people can judge how much credibility to give to replies. In some ways I do agree with you but in other instances I would rather someone said yes its a typo than spend many fruitless hours trying to solve it. Do you not agree.
However you do have the option not to use that section of the site if you arent sure how accurate it is.
I think you were presuming that all the quizzes on the fund raising site were put on by the setters but they arent
It would be good though if the setters who did advertise themselves went back occasionally to look if there are any queries and I think this is what you mean
I think I see
The poster of the quiz could be anyone - sometimes me for example
so unless I have a definite answer to a query I am not qualified to answer it
Yes, it does make sense. Oh dear, I wish I had never started this thread!
As I always set my own quizzes and post them, it never dawned on me that others might post quizzes that they had not compiled themselves. Again, I apologise.
Maybe it would have helped everyone (you included lol) had you said you were a setter as it read like criticism of people on fundraising quizzes answering threads to quizzes they hadnt set. I am still not sure if it was for or against my site but you are very welcome to use the site for posting quizzes, answering queries etc. And if your post persuades setters to answer queries then its not been in vain. I would say the majority of quizzes aren't posted by the setter though a lot more are in recent months but a lot of setters rely on friends/family to plug their quizzes for them which makes it difficult as unless its a well known setter theres no way of knowing
if the poster submitted it.
I certainly didn't mean to criticise your Fundraising Quizzes website, oddbody, quite the reverse. I have used your site for my last three quizzes and think it is excellent. I probably didn't express myself properly.
I hope that all those who post on your site will also make a donation to help to keep it going. I have done so and I urge others to do the same.
Thank you thats extremely kind of you and i'm glad you use the site, its never easy when wording something
on a forum to make it sound right. I wish more setters would answer queries too but although a lot do some are
extremely lax at doing so. I might actually add a piece to the submit section asking people to tick a box or something if they are the setter at least then it would be a bit easier to know if it is a setter actually responding to queries so you have at least given me food for thought with this thread and we are always looking for ways to improve the site.
The Name the Face Quiz which i compiled has just finished so when i went to investigate after your comment DSJ i was too late as i'm not familiar with the site.So apologies to anyone that did post a query.I have now signed up and had a good look around the site,and look forward to using it more.
Hi Polly! If you have a quiz posted on the site, it's a good idea to check regularly for queries. I'm sure you'll agree with me that it is an excellent site. Are you doing another quiz soon?
oddboddy I regularly use your site usually to pick up any new quizzes available, & queries if answered ,can also be very helpful. My query to you is do you have any comeback on the unusual event of a quiz not being answered even though S>A>E is enclosed, this has happened not only to me, with a quiz which had to be returned by December 1st.