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An inspirational lad.....

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smudge | 13:48 Tue 12th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
and his parents!

If you can spare a few moments to watch until the end, I'm sure it'll leave some sobering thoughts in your mind:


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smudge......that is fantastic, I cannot decide who has the most charisma, son or Dad.

As a father, I could not cope with the disappointment of having a "disabled" child and I am not sure how I would deal with it. This has to be a lifetime crusade on the part of the parents and I am far too self centred for lifetime crusades.

Fantastic film smudge.
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that truley is the most touching thing i have seen for years !!!!!
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Thank you all.

I know, I felt the same - I'm glad the phone didn't ring when I was watching it, as I wouldn't have been able to speak.

It really does put some things in to perspective.....


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An inspirational lad.....

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