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And breeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaathhhhhhhhh

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dothawkes31 | 23:44 Tue 12th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
it's like being at Butlins!!!!!!!!!!!


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No endless participation games and over zealous red coats!!!
You could try participating and just having a bit of fun, Dot.
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nah you're ok NM, I've worked all day and gotta start at 7am again so i'll just participate in the no brainer stuff tonight thanks!
God I hope not. I once spent 2 hours at Butlins, Barry Island, wandering around drunk and trying to find my chalet when I couldn't remember the number.
Yeah i'll participate in the karaoke, what time does it start? Once ive finished my breathing excercises though, gotta get my priorities right, :-)
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oo Jan we used to live near Barry island when we first married!!! It was a dump then lol
Butlins has gone - was a real shock to me. Lived in Aberdare as a kid but went there this summer with the kids and was really gobsmacked that Butlins had become a housing estate - the front was quite nice though (the fair is a bit pikey to be honest!)
It was a dump when I went, must have been about 1982. Dirty, damp, and really crap staff.
I spent a holiday with a friend at Butlins on Barry Island, never again
You've never lived unless you've been to Pontins.........I'm surprised I survived.
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flippin removed answers have gone up again in my profile grrrrr, i'm sick of replting to seemingly inocuous threads and then the ed removes them grrrr

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And breeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaathhhhhhhhh

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