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had a fluffing great night, cr@p day...

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Bobbisox | 00:26 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
went out tonight with the lasses, put the world to rights, I hate being serious so we had a good laugh, earlier went into News for some anger management...
and it worked


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^ Good idea... you stay out of Beauty and I'll stay out of Insurance...
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errrr, the day I listen to you Twatski, I will give up LOL
News to me is AB to you, I wind them in hook line and sinker !!!
Bobbi ♥
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getting a tad disillusioned with all G, hope it
I'm sure it will, loads of people have left, some of them, good 'uns too
perhaps the stress of the holiday that wasn't is starting to show, going into News and letting them think they fluffing know it all is good at least I don't snivel and think OMG, nobody likes me, as I used to as Joy 11, those days are gone, I give as good as I get now, it's dog eat dog innit?
errrm peace2u and all that cr@p
Bobbi ♥ still LOL

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had a fluffing great night, cr@p day...

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