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Bbbananas | 14:25 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
All this acting about with cockatoos and tattooes, I've just had a call from Papworth giving me the date of my operation. I'm not so c0cky now - that's took the wind out of my sails a bit. I need to go home and have a lie-down...

Tell me I'm being a wimp. Tell me something nice.


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you'll be fine salla, just lie back and think of chicken and mushroom pies
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carrust - it's me heart not me fanny !!

Get blathered? Good idea - but alcohol will be a no-no for a while. Afterwards? Well, that is a different matter entirely. Cheers!
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the last thing I ought to do is to start thinking of your mushrooms on the operating table - I'm going to be conscious and have to lie absolutely still.... no quivering with laughter or shaking of the shoulders... Bl00dy hell, wish you hadn't said that now - I won't be able to help it now, laying there thinking of your mushroom story.
really? I thought you would run screaming, lol!

feel free to give me the details and I'm sure plenty of us would love to squeeze you in ;o)
salla...for the boys, no big deal, just another day at the office.

For big deal as well, but you won't see it that way.

What is the date?
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You're right sqadlet - no big deal really. It's not the op I'm afraid of, it's dying from it for some reason or another. I have a track record for unusual bizarre & strange things happening to me that don't seem to happen to anyone else....

19th Feb - but I have to come off the tablets 3 days before! I usually go strange if I'm 12 hours late with a tablet - I'll be collapsing all over the place by the time the op date comes. I shall be splatting in shops and fainting at work - Mmmm, Keith might have to resuscitate.....mouth to mouth :-)
I'm starting to feel more sorry for Keith...
Thanks salla.....ask them if they could provide a perch in the operating theatre in case your cockatoo makes an appearance....;-)
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Hee Hee..... I shall take advantage of the situation, obviously.

Look on the bright side - at least a couple of weeks off work, in the winter. Can't be bad.
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Are you suggesting I am in danger of sh1tting myself sqad?
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(sara - keith might....!), but the surgeon might, should he view the new arrival. ;-)
Right, well now I know where I need to be on 19 Feb!!!

(I'd be more worried about me rocking up with a cheap bottle of plonk rather than anything the docs will do!)
this could be entertaining , the surgeon sh!ttin himself as he observes salla sh!tting a white cockatoo
i don't know what you op is salla but maybe the subconcious is linking something being removed with your dream......
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It would be a bit of an unexpected surprise.... I doubt if he'd be able to hold his probe very steady, and it is imperative to my future wellbeing that he have a steady probe. I should warn him.....?
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Slapshot - I must put you right my love - it isn't an op on my rectum, anus or anything to do with my bowels or nether regions, so doesn't really connect to my dream. It is my heart (yes, readers, I DO have one,,, it's been proven). Good thought though ;-)
Yay salla I'm sure Sara can get a few of us together and arrange a visit!

Hope it goes well x
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So far then, visitors are rinkins, sara & barmaid - brilliant idea. But I thgink I'd bust my stitches.... Smuggle in that cheap plonk, I'm sure I could class it as medicinal.

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