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Anyone been to the autosport show in Birmingham today???

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benny3008 | 20:20 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I did, :-) It was amzing!!! Saw lewis hamiltons, jenson buttons, adrian sutils and plenty more formula 1 drivers cars, they are alot bigger than they look on the track! Highly recommended day out. :-)


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the cars aren't, F1 cars are tiny! (and I can't fit in them :()
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They were massive, The cockpit is very small though but all round, each wing is like the size of a small road car. lol
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slight exaggeration but ya get my drift lol
they really are not that big, we have one were I work.
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Where do you work??? why do u have an f1 car there?
he works for dinky toys benny, as a test driver
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hahaha lol

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Anyone been to the autosport show in Birmingham today???

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