I've had the opportunity to qualify for Concealed Carry permit for a handgun, jno. To do so, one must attend classes as well as display competency on the range firing the handgun... up to 200 rounds (as well as a background check by the FBI).
The range often is used by the police to qualify (on a quartely basis) and I've had the pleasure of shooting with them. While doing acceptably, the various qualifications are pretty difficult... and that's with no one shooting back at you.
A childhood friend of mine is an officer on the State Highway Patrol and has been involved in over 10 "shoot-outs" with various bad guys in his career of 25 years or so. Needless to say, he survived while many of the opponents did not. He has a chest full of such "bars" or commendations. Secretly, I know he rather notch the handgrips on his .357 Magnum Ruger Blackhawk Police Special ... Of course that's against Department policy...