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My body is a temple.

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Bbbananas | 10:06 Fri 15th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
So I hereby vow to worship it nightly...

How do you treat yours?


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Thanks, Panic.........i did'nt know you cared :0)

( That's cheered me up no end now.....i can attack the day with vigour and purpose )
Oh meant Salla.......spurned again :0(
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I think he meant me yogi - but like I said - bodily worship is good but not every night thank you....
my body was a temple, but it has been deconsecrated and turned into a block of flats; very bijou, though.
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sorry jno, but a block of flats - no matter how bijou, luxurious or even penthouse, could ever compete with a temple.

Me - Taj Mahal. You - Tower Hamlets. Err.....
I'm an atheiest unfortunately... I'm happy for others to treat it as a place or worship but I'll question your motives.
i was church that got turned into a bank, and now a run down wetherspoons
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I like your answer Ankou ;-)
better in print than in the flesh

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My body is a temple.

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