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hoodoovoodoo | 21:59 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is nothing sacred to the hollywood film makers?
Another failed remake or bringing the A-Team to a new generation?
The New A-Team Movie


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Oh wow! I just squealed a bit.... How exciting!! Roll on June.

I just wish they'd get the bloody Thundercats movie made and then I'm pretty sure my life will be complete.
That looks rubbish. And is that Liam Neeson? I'm disappointed...
Oh nuts... Does that mean you're not seeing it with me?! I'll have to ask vibra now ;oP
Oh why,oh why,must they try and remake something that was great in the first place?
By all means take a failed film/series and try and remake it,but leave excellent films/series alone.
Of course Hollywood is now run by the money men who have no imaginations,and can only see $ signs.
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Agreed mr veritas, though I think ill have to watch It just so that i can compare, be very annoyed or pleasantly surprised at what they've done with It.
Just hope it hasn't got Steve Martin in it. Talk about a man running his career backwards.
Oh Dear. It looks like one of those films which is going be cutting every 3 and a 1/2 seconds. They make me dizzy.

Also, plot summary anyone?

Spare Ed
''plot summary anyone?''

''In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit''

So they now spend their time hiding out and doing good deeds whilst trying to prove their innocence... or something.
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Gromit so you're saying that steve martin wouldn't be the right choice for "Hannibal"?

Ed, there's not much i could find out about the movie but I think that snags has summed it up perfectly, also on wiki it mentions the middle east playing a part on the new film.
George Clooney should have played Hannibal... The bloke from Green Mile/Conair.... Face can be played by anyone pretty really, he wasn't a great character and Murdoch was mainly annoying and so Jim Carey would be suitable, (unless they wanted to make him interesting in which case that Auzzie comic who sings and does poetry and whose name I can't remember should liven things up... Tim Somethingorother maybe).
Ahem... Bloke from Greenmile/COnair for BA.
''Face can be played by anyone pretty really''

I was asked but declined.

You mean Tim ''let me video you while you wee'' Minchin ;-p
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The bloke from Green Mile/Conair....

Which bloke?
-- answer removed --

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