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Truly bonkers.

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NoMercy | 13:29 Sat 16th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Do you know someone who is as mad as a bucket of frogs? I mean completely and utterly bonkers !

I know and English expat who is not the full ticket. We were in a bar having lunch, and someone complained that their Vienetta-type dessert was frozen solid in the middle, and that they would need a chainsaw to cut through it. Yep, Neil went out to his van and fetched his chainsaw (honestly, I'm not kidding). The horrified looks the Spaniards were wearing was truly unforgettable.


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Good luck with that Elvis :-)
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Society, that's awful. I hope they got what they deserved.
Hi Bobbi, hope you're well, haven't seen you much on here lately.

Can you imagine... I just got slapped on my back unexpectedly. I think I went in shock then, I couldn't scream or anything.
Bobbi, an ex army sniper rung them saying that they saw me in a specific location revealing a weapon (a hand gun). It took them 4 minutes to have armed support, police dogs and 5 police cars on the scene. I had no idea, I just remember seeing the cars drive past and me thinking to myself "F**k me! someone is in for some trouble" - never thought it would be me. So I was walking up the station (I don't know it very well so I had to stop at every 'time table' to find my bus) and the next minute I was thrown on the floor, had my pockets emptied (really embarrasing, loads of money (which I lost most of), condoms and my wallet). I should of noticed the fact they had plain clothes police on a 40metre radios... :/
Police report says "Seen exiting location following report of male with gun. Walked into bus station. Stop searched underr preventative measure"
High society, nope you haven't, yore right, no reason for that other than keeping a low profile, I complimented sqad and ended up with him "having a go" so to speak, not just at me I hasten to
so feather ruffling is off the agenda for a bit...even in
diz, that's a bit heavy handed
mind you if you were in civvies and looked as though you were carrying a gun, they acted in the best interest of the public maybe?
Bobbi ♥
Someone told me after that I should of said "The only gun I'm carrying mate is this one" - then pointing to my crotch. The thing is I'd never get cocky with the police, it's not worth it. My mums a magistrate, I'm friends with the drugs squad and with other people in the police force - being cocky and funny with them is a no-no. I did how ever say to them "you've made me famous now" and I did shout "This is a seige" which they didn't appreciate, although I suppose they wouldn't having been dragged out for sod all.
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Sounds like an embarrassing experience, dizzy.

There's a guy who lives opposite me and he's Valeciano by birth - I think his name's Ramon. Anyway, he spent 37 years in France, but told me that he'd lived in Switzerland. He's a compulsive liar by all accounts, and he started following me around about 2 years ago. One day, bold as brass, he came up behind me in our then local (Uranio) and started stroking my backside. I threatened to smack him one if he ever did it again, and we've not spoken to him since. He's a bit of a loner. One day we had a power cut and we had to call out Ibedrola (our leccy suppliers) and the electrician asked me if the crazy guy still lived over the road. lol
I've got this urge to watch madagascar 2, I love that rodent thing that thinks hes the king... I need to learn that accent.
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-- answer removed --
We all know you're bonkers pussy :-)
I thought my head was screwed on backwards, pussy just made me look good ;p

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