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Advice on renting

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filthiestfis | 17:00 Sat 16th Jan 2010 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Is it normal to make an offer when you see a property you are interesting in renting? Ive seen one today I like which is going for £750 pcm but I hear of "offers" made and was wondering if I ask for £700 pcm as an offer it would be right.


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You can only ask!Its up to the landlord.If going through an agent though,ask them to ask the landlord,dont just take their word for it -the less rent you pay the less comission they may get.
There is always an asking price for everything, weather a bag of chips or a bag of cement, and you can make an offer if you wish to buy or rent, its right if you get what you want, so make your offer good luck. oh and i would offer £625 just to show your interested
625!!! I am sorry but I would think you where joking or taking the pee.
A sensible offer (in my humble opinion) would be 675.
ayabrea. Ther are thousands of properties out there for rent, and if this one has been empty for sometime ( who knows) then the landlord my be willing too let at any price, better to get some rent than none at all, well thats the way i would think if it was my property.

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