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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 07:03 Sun 24th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
It's Sunday and so far it is not raining! That's a good start! Have a good day everyone.


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dead on mucker
Good morning ...4c and dull here , more rain forecast !!
Enjoy your day ..
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Nice one beejay.
Morning theonlyone. Don't want to upset you but we have clear skies here and the sun is shining.
morning all from a damp tameside
Morning Wbm and everyone bit overcast here in Leics but at least it is dry and looks promising. Think I might get a little bit done in garden just to cheer it up a bit . Have a nice safe day all.
hi guys x

Can't stay ... just making coffee. Will be on later.

Be good.

Love, Seagull x x x
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Morning DF, wendi and JJgull. Nice to see you.
Haven't got time WBM, driving my mums car back from a Jaguar call show room. Driving for me today not riding!
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Oh well, at least you have a nice car to drive.
Well I'm driving the old car, not the Jag so :p
Morning all. Hope you are well.

Milky with one sweetner please, JJ ;-)
Not so milky... with real sugar... and a Full English with fried bread and two eggs...
Morning wbm and everyone!

I am shattered as I was up all night watching the tennis.
Anyone here see Murray, he was great!
Right now watching Henin!
morning lovely waterboatman and all :o)

I have a steaming macchiato.. and I don't even know how to pronounce that!
sara(h)... is that a type of fancy coffee or a South American Rain Forest tribesman?
Morning all....
you can get treatment for that Sara
lol, yes.. I have a steaming South American Rain Forest tribesman on the floor in front of me ;o)

and very tasty he is too!
Mind you don't bend his blow pipe...

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Good morning early birds!

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