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now there it was goneeeeeeeee

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Bobbisox | 14:51 Sun 24th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Whoosh EDs definitely got that ones card marked
Well done Ed

Bobbi ♥


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bobbi, there was a thread dissing wardy and one supporting him, which do you think was the worst?
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Missed it all Bobbi ! Is the Terminator on duty ? lol
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I have no idea dot, but then again I am not familiar with 'wardy' ???
I am praising the ED for swift action so obviously he/she must have reasons to remove the thread
Bobbi ♥
Yes they were both wrong to post those threads IMO, but which was the moist wrong? the one slating wardy (abdul) or the one objecting to the one slating him?
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oooohhh me head
who is wardy or Abdul????
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Before your time on AB Bobbi, don;t worry.
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oh bugger, let's not go there, no bullying, no trolls , no b!tching
there done !
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aww ta dot, pleased I can plead ignorance

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now there it was goneeeeeeeee

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