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Nobody goes to my local pub

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McMouse | 17:00 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
it's too crowded.


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is it just full of one big fat person?
Smoking ban killed the pubs. My son lost his a couple of years ago
must admit paross......whilst understanding the ban to a degree I have never been to a pub since the ban was introduced......before that I'd probably go 2/3 times a week.
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The smoking ban is a contentious issue but it has killed off several Pubs and the Licensees should have had more of a say in it as their livelihood has been put on the line.
I don't go to the Pub as often now either because of this ban
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absolutely liar............I would obviously choose to stand outside in the snow enjoying the sub-zero temperatures....very british dontcha know....
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much nicer working and going to the pub since the ban and i'm a smoker
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I hated going in a pub when people could smoke , as i smelt
like an ash tray when i got home , also eating in a pub with
smokers puffing away , yuk ....but the demise of the pub is down
to people drinking at home as it's cheaper , and if you take a child
a soft drink is as expensive as an alcohol, £1.40 for a coca -cola
which comes out a pump , a big rip off ....

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Nobody goes to my local pub

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