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I'm soo happy! :-)

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benny3008 | 23:52 Mon 25th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
You may remember i posted on here a couple of weeks ago about my bike insurance claim, i couldn't decide whether to get £500 and the bike gets written off or get £400 and i keep the bike and make it roadworthy again. I made my decision and im keeping the bike but here's the best bit, i managed to get the insurers to throw in an extra £50 so i got £450 and the bike, yipeeee! I only paid £450 for the bike when i bought it so i basically have a free bike!

What's the best thing that's happened to you recently???


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thats great news benny - well done!

hows your dad now, is he ok?
Question Author
Yes, hes much better thank you, the docs have said he has pneumonia but they are still taking bloods every so often to see if there is any change. Otherwise he is on the mend, pretty much back to normal. Im amazed that you remembered! :-)
thats good, im glad to hear hes doing ok :o)
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glad to hear it ,well done for getting extra money from the insurance company ,are you going to use the spare 350 to do up the car or are you going to put that on hold for the moment?
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it was a bike he crashed but i am sure on the other thread he was trying to decide wether to take the money and fix a car or take less money and keep the bike i will try and find the thread i am probably wrong i usually am at this time of night lol
nope the thread has gone but he does have posts about a citreon zx with timing belt problems so that is probably the car he was refering to
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yep i am learning i need to be more aware of user names was talking to a 9 year old tonight who wanted well i dont exactly know what she really wanted apart from a business that she could have free nice girl with loads of dreams

the post is in shopping called design sorry my internet explorer is not copy and psting can't be bothered fixing it tonight bed time soon
thats rich seeing as you wouldnt put in a claim for whiplash,i remember we had a rather lenghty debate on morals....mmmmmm double standards here i think....
Not me, but my friend was going to take early retirement last year, but decided to stay another year. She then got ill and thought she would have to leave early this year anyway, but before that happened she got called in and told she was being made redundant, so will get a big payout as she has been there forever. Good luck to her, never had much but now will have time and money and would have had nowt if she had left last year as planned.
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Cherrychapstick, to answer your question, I am using some of it to do my car up and I'm also gettin a puppy, probably in the next 2 weeks or so, the cheque arrived this morning, I'm sooooo happy! :-) how's everyones day been then?

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I'm soo happy! :-)

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