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A tap on a spring?

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mrs.chappie | 23:11 Tue 26th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I like the look of those new-fangled taps that look like they are on a spring. You can pull them down and rinse your sink easily. That is something that appeals to me. My sis has heard that they are not a good idea - the springy bit is not robust. Anyone got one/any comments please?

Ta chums. xxx


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The ones that you see in the mortuary in CSI and the like, Mrs C ? ;o)
mrs. chappie..........I presume you have now moved house......are you now going mad.
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Ooh heck jack, you've put me off it now! [:o)
I've got one but it's only been in for about 4 months.

Ikea do good ones.
Can I come and live your kitchen ummmm?
Sorry :o)
That's what I'm reminded of every time I see them.............It seemed to put my son off buying one when I mentioned it to him, too :D
If you want :-)
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I haven't moved yet, craft. It's been on and off. The first place had a mains sewer pipe running underneath it, and the survey showed up other probs too. So, reluctantly, we decided to pull out.

The second place was all going through nicely, then we got gazumped. It's all sorted now but we've had to pay four grand more than we agreed to. [:o(

It's very old-fashioned and I will enjoying refitting the kitchen (you might have guessed). [:o)
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Sorry, I've posted the post above on the wrong fred. It should have been on the Range cooker fred. (Getting confused in me old age).
the stegess manages to rinse the sink nea bother, but i could do with a spring getting fitted to her

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