1st name- very common
surname- fairly uncommon I think
accent- common, very broad Lancashire, think Vera Duckworth :-(
table manners- acceptable I guess
- christian name - unusual
- surname - I thought it would be more common when I came back 'oop north but I'm still having to spell it out
- accent / voice - an unusual mix/ more muffled (on tape) than I hear (in my head).
- table manners - impeccable.
christian name, uncommon (unlike Sarah)
surname, hmmmm.. common-ish
accent, quite posh N London
table manners - I always wait for the table to be cleared before dancing on it.
Christian name - Denise - Common
Surname - Common (Famous Castle)
Accent - Eastender
Table Manners - Even though I am not left handed - I hold my knife and fork in opposite hand. Everyone moans when I lay the cutlery on the table - they call me kak handed kate.....
Joy = common as muck
Wilson = they don't come much more common that this
Accent = Upmarket Geordie y'knaa
Table Manners = Aye , I was brought up well...lol
snob factor = When I can't be bothered with someone !!!!
Parents = married !
Father = yes I knew him..lol
First name (I'm not a christian) Sandy I'm not sure it's Scottish abbrev for Alexander.
Surname - I'm not sure what would be calssified as 'common' so - just normal I spose.
Accent - I consider it middle of the road but some have described it as 'posh'.
Table manners - Well, I never a) hold my knife 'a la plume' b) lean on the table
c) prop my knife and fork up on the sides of the plate d) belch e) fart etc.
so pretty 'not common' I guess.