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do you have a middle name

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zzxxee | 15:54 Wed 27th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
and if so do you like it more than your christian name
mine is quite normal louise i much prefer it to my christian name


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Are you called something hideous then?
No. Like I said, I'm not sure if I hate it or not. I grew up with it, after all.
You can always change it.
I feel sorry for people who have a name that has changed meaning over the years and now makes people snigger.poor things
Do you have any examples?
There is a book entitled 'Fanny by Gaslight'
This was a fairly common name once.
That's an odd book--
Oops-I've gotta go, now.
Mine is Lindsay - when I was younger i preferred it, now i don't really care except when people call me Anna - which I hate - mainly cos it's not my name!
My mother gave me my middle name just to p*ss me off. It's even worse than my first name!
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my poor cousin her name is samantha not bad you say but she was given the middle name tabitha yep you have guessed it her mum was a fan of the programme bewitched when she was born !!!

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do you have a middle name

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