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Is is possible to purchase a computer in kit form?

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newbie | 15:55 Thu 28th Jan 2010 | Computers
9 Answers
My son wants to go into computers and media etc. He wants to build a computer. I know you can buy the bits separately but is there such a thing as a kit or any ideas where we can get an old computer that can be stripped down and reassembled? Thanks for help.


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never seen a kit, just get an old computer from ebay
try THey sell barebones bundles at quite reasonable prices,
Try your local Freecycle. I often see old computers offered there for free.
You can put your own together by buying all the bit separately. But you ought to know what you are doing first. It's not difficult but you don't want to fry the chips with static.

Check the PC mags, there are a few around more into the parts than a whole off-the-shelf pc.

Or try the Maplin website, they are into kits and might have something.
A company like MISCO sell the bare bones tech stuff too.
I'd look in the magazines and see if there is a forum he could join in to get buddy help. The most important thing is to avoid getting a shock, and not to bend the pins on the processor when inserting / removing it.
Maplin is a good idea, also try for mail order computer parts at a decent price.
Ebay is a great idea, search your local area so you can collect and save postage fees, and keep the processor and memory requirements down to keep the price low.
You should be able to pick up a perfectly useable PC for well under 100 quid.
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