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I realise this is probably easy but......

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caslass | 15:13 Fri 29th Jan 2010 | Computers
3 Answers
I am not very computer literate. When you see something say on youtube, how do you put a link to it in answer bank or anywhere else for that matter. Thankyou.


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In the address bar....high light the address. Right click. hold down ctrl and press 'c'. Go to where you want to post it and do ctrl 'v'
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Thanks very much ummm. I will try this. Cas.
Ummmm's post is entirely accurate but it seems to use (so-called) shortcuts which actually make things more difficult. Here's my version:

Right-click in the address bar of the page you want to link to. Select 'copy'. Place the cursor where you want your link to appear. Right-click and select 'paste'. (Doing it that way means that you don't even need to touch your keyboard).


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I realise this is probably easy but......

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