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Gordon Brown is my shepherd

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NoMercy | 00:09 Sat 30th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Found this on the letters page of the Euro Weekly News - Courtesy of David Baker of Mijas Costa:

Gordon Brown is my Shepherd, I shall not work. He leadeth beside the still factories. He restoreth my faith in the Conservative Party. He guideth my in the path of unemployment. Yea, though I wait for my dole, I own the bank that refuses me. Brown has anointed my income with taxes. My expenses runneth over my income. Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of his term. From henceforth we will live all the days of our lives in a rented home with an overseas landlord. I am glad I am British, I am glad I am free. But I wish I were a dog, and Brown was a tree.


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When Cameron gets into number 10 he'll be the dog and we'll be the trees.
Question Author
So you think Cameron will get in then, Sandy?
I'm resigned to it. He'll probably have a small majority or need unionist support
well I'll vote for Cameron.......give me a viable alternative.....
I wish I could give you a Labour alternative. But I can't. I may vote Green
craft - emigrate might be the alternative.
But to emigrate you need money, lots of it, to come to this country, well we let them all in
well I've been looking for a holiday home in France for a while, and my best friend from school keeps trying to get me to move out to Perth in Australia.....unfortunately I can't imagine living anywhere but Yorkshire......
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I love living in Yorkshire too, craft. I very nearly bought a house in Thirsk. I often wish we hadn't moved from Bedale. [:o(
Bedale is lovely mrs.c...........
Question Author
Count yourself lucky, Scotch. :-)

We are getting a crud rate with the euro, and that does affect my social life a tad. :-(
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Question Author
Yes, there's been a marginal improvement, but there's a long way to go yet.
Well said Sandy -Wroe.

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Gordon Brown is my shepherd

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