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There is some strange man....

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benny3008 | 16:37 Sat 30th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
that has come down our street (dead end street) for the as week or so... he sits at the end of the street opposite my house by the garages and just speaks on his phone for hours on end, he has come in a different car today though, yesterday he even started the car up drove about 10 metres, got out the car, went into my next door neighbours house for 2-3 minutes, came back out and went, 5 minutes later he was sat in the same place again at the end of the street... the same sort of thing happened the week before for a little while, some horrible chavved up car came and sat in the same place and spoke on the phone but it was a different driver. Its really starting to make me wonder, i have had to move anything expensive out of my car in case the guy looks inside my car and likes what he sees and bl00dy nicks everything. anyone got any ideas what it could be, my mum thinks that he may be waiting for money from my next door neighbour but i dont know what to think.


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Err, me...No. I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday, let alone any secrets....
Best to keep shtum anyway ummmm, the walls here have many ears and eyes and i heard the clique have terrible punishments for betrayers of secrets.
Lol....I still don't think there are any cliques though. Just people familiar with each other.
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There is some strange man....

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