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nigel lythgoe......

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stokemaveric | 21:26 Sat 30th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
is he larry graysons love child??????????????


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I dont know but tell him to 'Shut that door"
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Who is nigel lythgoe?
Question Author
sorry no.know i dont normally watch such garbage but the mrs is out and ive just seen him on the tv... he.just reminds me of old larry thats all.....
So I've seen his pic. Still don't know who he is moonshine.
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he's dating Jerry Hall......I think.
really craft? punching above his weight there...
Jeesus casslass, heres his life story...
Question Author
lol no.know i never saw that post my friend....great minds think alike eh???
Well that explains it. I detest reality TV so i don't watch it. Moonshine are you the son of god.
Metaphorically casslass we are all gods children.
I only said that, because you said Jeesus Caslass. I wasn'y trying to be religous
Aah so you assume that jesus christ himself used to say "JEEESUS"? And you though i may be him? A starnger on the internet? Really? Wow!

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nigel lythgoe......

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