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shallow people

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ummmm | 17:21 Sun 31st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
All they're interested in is what money he had.....

breaks my heart.....Fluff the lot of them


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How much did he have? If it's plenty, give him my number... and tell him I put out on a first date ;-p
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My Uncle....they delayed burying him to make sure HE had enough sad is that?

I'm p!ssed off Doc.....My Grandad would've paid for it......
O W TF is money when it comes down to it -its a means to an end for me -i hate people who regard money as their God!!!

Sorry this is happening -bang their heads together.
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That's truly shocking, Ummmm. It must be very distressing for you. x x
I'm sorry too ummmm for my rather crass earlier reply x
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Dris......I did see your message and thanks xx

Why would anyone wait this long......11th of Feb. Who gives a Sugar about his money?

It upsets me :-(
Ive got mine stripped right down to a cardboard box -eff paying money just to get burnt.
Sorry ummm but its true -dont see the need in all the bickering .Although it shows that we should all have a plan in place so this type of thing doesnt happen -sorry for the slight hi-jack ummm but worth the mention :(
Question Author Grandad's a millionaire. He would have paid for it all,

My poor Nan xxx
Families eh -cant even put their differences aside for common decency -its sucks ummm :(

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