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rehabilitaiton of domestic ABH offender after a custodial sentence

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phoebe2k10 | 19:03 Mon 01st Feb 2010 | Law
2 Answers
Thanks to all for the support and advice given.

I have decided to go ahead with the case; however, after my husband has completed his sentence, I would still prefer to work on our relationship.

On completion of a custodial sentence (say, 6 months in custody), what happens next in terms of rehabilitation? Will he be able to return back to our home with me or will there be restrictions and conditions in terms of contact with me. Will he be prohibited from contacting me after the sentence.

Thanks in advance


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it will really really depend
That would mainly be up to the court. If he (and this would be likely) were to receive some sort of community order, this may require attendance (and completion of) a domestic abuse course with supervision requirements with the local probation service, where he would have to attend and show changes, and also report to an offender manager regularly (maybe weekly or monthly) He may be released early on license, which could mean restricted or prohibited access to you or any of family. Up to the court, really .. and also the police, as they may have their say too. Much will depend on how, and for how long you suffered abuse. Hope you get sorted : )

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