Why were we given the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, instead of all on one?
The only reason I have found for this, is that some believe that the first five Commandments refer to man's relationship with God, whilst the second refer to man's relationship with man. However, if that is the case, how is the Fifth Commandment, honour your parents, referring to our relationship with God. Surely, if this reason for the division is accurate, there would have been four Commandments on the first tablet, and six on the second tablet.
Beso: Don't bother, mate. I won't even read it......
Let me remind You,dear Torah boy:what to hell is 10?Is not the talk about the 2 fists each of us(almost) possesses?Hence the amount of commandments.Furthermore,please message me to discuss more,as I am a TORAH GIRL.Wishing for love,Dima